Client Services

PharmacyVeterinary Pharmacy

Our commitment to your pet's health is also reflected in our fully stocked in-house pharmacy. When it comes to prescription medications, accurate dosage and administration is of the utmost importance. As your pet's prescribing veterinarian, you can trust that when you fill prescriptions at our pharmacy, your pet will receive the right medication, at the right dose, in the right form as quickly as possible. We will also provide you with detailed instructions on the medication's use, discuss any side effects or interactions and even administer the first dose for you if possible.

You can also feel confident all the medications we dispense were obtained from safe, reliable sources and stored under the right conditions.

At our pharmacy, we maintain a comprehensive inventory of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products and heartworm preventatives to meet your pet's needs. We also have an online pharmacy for your pet's medical needs, just click on the online pharmacy button at the very top of the page.

Refills are easy, too – simply give us a call.


A lost pet is a frightening situation with often devastating consequences. Studies have shown more than 10 million pets get lost each year and approximately 90% of those found would not have been returned to their owners without some form of permanent lost pet identification.

This is why the team at MapleShade Animal Hospital considers microchip pet IDs a fundamental way to protect your pet and an important part of responsible pet ownership. We use the HomeAgain microchip system. Each microchip registers the animal with a unique identification number, which is filed in a database with your contact information. The contact information can be updated any time, and it is important to remember to do so whenever your information changes. If your pet is lost, the microchip can be scanned by animal control officers, at shelters, and at veterinary hospitals in the U.S. and in many foreign countries.

HomeAgain membership offers additional benefits such as proactive pet recovery and free access to ASPCA Poison Control. HomeAgain comes with a number of services useful to pet owners, such as their National Pet Recovery Database, Lost Pet Specialists, Rapid Lost Pet Alerts, Lost Pet Medical Insurance, Travel Assistance for Found Pets, and more.

This safe, reliable, and permanent pet identification takes less than 10 seconds to implant has spared many of our clients and their pet days, weeks, or more of fear and anguish.

BehaviorBehavior Counseling

Even with the right training and lots of attention and love, your dog or cat can develop bad habits or unwanted behaviors. Please don't make the mistake of believing you and your family must live with these problems or worse, consider giving up your pet.

Here at MapleShade Animal Hospital our behavioral counseling team can provide assistance with issues including inappropriate urination or defecation, urine marking, aggression, nipping and biting, separation anxiety, inappropriate chewing and barking, digging, chewing, and introduction of new pets into the household.

Causes of behavior problems can be environmental, such as a schedule change or introduction of a new baby or pet; learned, as a result of unintentional positive reinforcement; or genetic. Furthermore, any painful disease or condition, or degenerative changes associated with aging, can cause or contribute to behavior problems.

For example, a pet that is fearful of children may become more reactive, irritable, and aggressive as conditions such as dental problems, arthritis, or an infection make him or her more uncomfortable or less mobile. Addressing the underlying medical problem or providing pain relief, along with behavior modification techniques, can often resolve some of these problems.

Our assessment begins with your pet's clinical history and a thorough medical examination. Before beginning behavior therapy, any medical problems that have been diagnosed will be treated. If our veterinarians and technical staff members cannot help with your pet's behavior problem, we can refer you to a board-certified animal behavior specialist.

End-of-Life Planning

For many pet owners, even thinking about their pet's final days is difficult and emotional. Our animals are a part of our family. It is this strong bond, born from years of loyal companionship, that makes this time particularly hard to bear.

We encourage you to talk with our veterinary healthcare team about these issues before they become an urgent matter. Find out about your options, including our crematory services, make key decisions ahead of time, and ask us to add this information to your pet's record. Taking the time to plan, as challenging as it may be, will lessen the pain and stress for you and your pet.

All of us at MapleShade Animal Hospital will do our best to help you prepare for these important issues with the compassion and sensitivity they require. We offer a "comfort room" with a less clinical feel, low-light, and soft music for all euthanasias and in-hospital visits.

GriefGrief Counseling

It is an unfortunate fact that our pets do not live as long as we do. At MapleShade Animal Hospital, we understand saying goodbye to your beloved pet is an incredibly difficult time for you and your family. There are five recognized stages of grief experienced after the loss of a loved one, and the loss of a pet is no exception.

Shock and Denial - The first reaction to loss of a loved companion is one of shock. Shock followed by denial are the ways we deal with the initial pain.

Anger - You may direct your anger within (I did not do enough), at others (they did not do enough) or at your pet. Anger at yourself can also result in feelings of guilt and helplessness.

Bargaining - During this stage you may try to strike imaginary deals to change the circumstances. Common thoughts may include: "If only I had sought medical attention sooner," "If only I had asked for a second opinion," "If only I changed my pet's diet," etc.

Depression - This is the longest part of the grieving process and can include two types of depression. The first is characterized by sadness and regret. The second involves feelings of isolation and the inability to talk about how you feel. You may be unable to concentrate on normal routine matters and may experience a change in appetite and insomnia.

Acceptance - This is the recovery stage. You begin to talk more openly and rationally about the loss of your pet. You soon realize you are assessing the situation more objectively and rationally.

If you, or anyone in your family, is having difficulty dealing with loss of your family pet, please contact MapleShade Animal Hospital. We can provide grief counseling as well as contact numbers of professionals and pet loss support groups in our area that can help you and your family.